Thursday, October 25, 2012

Month of Horrors: The Creepiest Moments in Video Games Part 1

So, the Month of Horrors continues. Playing and reviewing these scary* games has gotten me thinking about scary moments across all of gaming. Those moments where, even in a game that seems harmless enough, the game begins to frighten you. Maybe it's a sudden shock. Or maybe a grotesque monster. Or maybe just the disturbing implications of what's happening. No matter what, these moments are always good for a nice scare. And so, I've decided to talk about the 7 Creepiest Moments in Video Games. I'll be doing this over the next week, one every day until Halloween itself.

Now then, these are just my personal opinions. They are what I think are scary. It's completely subjective, if you don't like it, then that's perfectly fine.

So, without any further ado, here's the seventh creepiest moment in a video game.

7. This Commercial for Pokemon: Red and Blue Versions

Now, as I've said before, I am a huge fan of Pokemon. However, I didn't really get into the games until Crystal came out. In fact, I don't remember ever having seen this commercial when I was little, and I watched the show religiously. It wasn't until a few years ago that I came across this commercial online. 

At first, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did they actually think this was a good idea for marketing this game to children. I mean, yes, it does give the idea that the game has all sort of creatures packed in to such a small system, but the idea of putting them on a bus and then crushing the bus with the Pokemon still in it is a ridiculously terrifying image in my mind. Are we supposed to relate to the bus driver, wanting to get all of the Pokemon in his game? Because the only thing I feel towards him is fear.

So yeah, creepy bus driver + animal murder = horrible nightmares, for those of you interested in marketing.

Be sure to come back tomorrow, where I discuss another creepy moment in video gaming.

*Shut up

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