Friday, December 7, 2012

The 2012 VGAs: An Attempt at Live-Blogging

So, this last Friday night, Spike aired the 2012 Video Game Awards. And, while the show went on, I decided to write my thoughts on the show as it aired. And so, without any alteration (past maybe some spell-checking), here are my comments on the 2012 VGAs.

8:02 - First off, the South Park opening... which I missed, as I was watching the wrong video. Oh well, not too fond of South Park anyway. Oh hey, Samuel L. Jackson's hosting. He's pretty awesome, this could be good.

Sam, that's not how RPGs work. Viewers making choices does not make this an RPG Awards Show. If anything, it's a Visual Novel Awards Show, and even that's not a perfect analogy.

Okay, looks like I'm not missing much South Park. Not really heard much about this game, let's see if the trailer can do anything for me.

...Okay, didn't really do much for me. I mean, the humor seemed very similar to the show's, and the gameplay was not there at all, and- Why is Kenny dressed as Zelda?

8:07 - Oh hey, Walking Dead People are presenting an award. Best Shooter... suddenly I don't care. Shooters have never been my thing, and I haven't played any of these games. So Borderlands 2 wins, and this means literally nothing to mean. And it also won best multiplayer, I guess. Good for them.

8:10 - The future of gaming? This should be interesting... and a gameplay trailer, too? Guy with a hook hand, that's unusual. Amnesia... that's more normal. As is the apparent In Media Res opening.

...This game actually looks kinda interesting. Or at least it might if I had any clue what was going on... Very actiony, at the very least. Was that guy riding a fire Unicorn? Anyway, the game is called 'The Phantom Pain.' Might have to keep my eyes open for that one.

8:14 -  And we have a little skit with Master Chief and Cortana talking about his nomination for Character of the Year. That was pretty fun, and it turns out Chief is a Samuel L. Jackson fan, which I'm taking as canon.

8:20 - Okay, I like this skit. If only for the NPH cameo. Though future-Samuel L. Jackson being the president of the world seems unrealistic. And there's almost too much use of the word 'future.' Wait, did Samuel L. Jackson just go back in time just so he could insert himself into video games?

...Actually, I'd do that too.

8:23 - Oo, video game music time. I love video game music time. Can they turn off the sound effects though? I know it builds atmosphere, but I just want to hear the music.

This is a really good medley. It's doing a great job of smoothly transitioning between each of the games, and making the score to each one sound epic. I mean, if I didn't see the footage, I'd have a hard time believing these were composed by different people. It just seems like one big flowing piece, instead of a medley. I know I'm kind of going at length about this, but I'm really enjoying it. Easily my favorite part of the show thus far. But now it's over.

8:32 - And now a skit starring Assassin's Creed III's Connor. Where he kisses Ubisoft's ass. Pretty reasonable, they did create him.

8:35 - Trailer for The Last of Us. Not really heard a lot about this game, but the story (based off of the trailer) looks interesting, and I love the song that the composer's playing here. I have no clue what that instrument is, but it's really nice-sounding.

And immediately followed up by a trailer for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Not gonna lie, not very interested in this, since I've never played any Castlevania- wait, you play as Dracula in this game? And it's a modern setting? Okay, I want this game.

8:39 - And now Samuel L. Jackson's Cortana. This is pretty weird. Not in a bad way, though.

8:45 - I have no clue who Claptrap is. I have no more comments on this skit. Kinda like him, though.

8:47 - And Jessica Alba's talking about some game from last year everyone loved that's getting a sequel. I have no clue what she's talking about.

Huh. Dark Souls 2. Never really heard of the first one.

8:49 - Oh, hey, another award. Been a while, hasn't it? About 40 minutes, I think. And Best Action-Adventure goes to... Dishonored. Which has done nothing to interest me, so I'm just going to move on.

8:52 - Wait, The Last of Us is set post-apocalypse? I thought it was just normal Pittsburgh. Huh.

8:58 - I have no clue who this character is, or what game he's from.

8:59 - And Linkin Park's playing. Ohai, mute button.

9:03 - Indie games time. Let's see if I've played any of thes- Nope. Thought some of them looked interesting, though, and probably would pick up Journey if I had a PS3. Which won. So, guess I made the right choice? And it won best PS3 game and best score. Good for them.

9:05 And now Samuel L. Jackson is in Star Wars Angry Birds. This actually makes perfect sense, and should be in the actual game.

9:12 - Oh hey, it's that guy who talked about his pubes in the pre-show. And he's introducing Snoop Do- Lion. So, we meet again, mute button...

9:15 - And a trailer for Assassin's Creed III DLC. And it seems to really be going into alternate history, which seems like a weird direction to take.

Wait, KING Washington? Okay, this shit officially went crazy.

9:16 - Ohai Shepard.... and Female Shepard. Now I'm just confused. Are they both canon? Is tha- Is that how that works? My head hurts...

9:19 - And Gears of War 4 trailer. Somehow I feel like this awards show was not made with me in mind. I mean, really? Pokemon Black and White 2 don't get a single nomination? What a rip-off...

9:25 - Samuel L. Jackson in Dishonored. Re-enacting Pulp Fiction. Also apparently slept with Lady Gaga.

9:27 - So, the best games of the year get a medley, but Tomb Raider gets a performance with her trailer all to herself? What's that about? I mean, it's not bad, but still...

9:31 - And Claptrap has won Character of the Year. And may in fact be insane.

...He's insane, isn't he?

9:37 - Samuel L. Jackson in an... oddly-animated Minecraft. With Gangnam Style. Which is then interrupted by Sam via crossbow. That was pretty awesome.

9:38 - Hey, it's Tenacious D. AKA a musical act I wouldn't mute.

...Except they're not performing, they're announcing Game of the Decade. This is one I'm interested in. Let's see what the people decided.

Half-Life 2, huh? Guess you guys REALLY want a sequel. No offense, just not what I was expecting. Not even the Valve title I was expecting. Though I suppose it says a lot when these guys got nominated for Game of the Decade twice.

9:42 - Leonard, you need your glasses, you look weird without them. And then Halo trailer. Bored now.

9:44 - Okay, is Bioshock one of those games I need to play sometime? Because it seems like it, given all the hype Infinite's been getting.

 I feel like I need a list of these games.

9:48 - I'm just going to say, this is the second unique commerical break I've had. And hour and fifty minutes into the show.

9:51 - Oh yeah, and Mass Effect 3 won Best RPG. Why couldn't THAT one? I was actually interested in that. And somehow Diablo III was running against it. No clue how that works.

9:53 - They gave Samuel L. Jackson a mini-gun. Who thought that was a good idea? Who in the HELL thought that was a good idea?

9:54 - And here we go. Game of the Year is... The Walking Dead? Really? The only game of the five that I've played? Awesome. Good for TellTale, great game. Really need to get around to episodes 2-5.

9:57 - And to close it out, Tenacious D actually IS performing. More awesome.

So, all in all, an... interesting experience. Still want to know what the best Wii/WiiU game was (my money's on Xenoblade, which IS in fact on my list of those games). Kinda interested in some of the choices (Not having played it, I'm unsure what makes Half-Life 2 the Best Game of the Decade), but I'm not complaining. And Samuel L. Jackson was a good host.

Also, I kinda wish the one of the surprise trailers had been for Chrono Trigger 3, but I doubt that'll ever happen at this point. Still, I can always wish, right?

If you guys thought this attempt at live-blogging went well, be sure to say something. I just decided to do this because I thought it might be interesting, but if you liked it, I might try it again sometime.

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